1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.1.How are you feeling today?
The Cure- Lullaby [faza cu spideru' e destul de freaky :lol:]
2.Will you get far in life?
Pacha Man ft No Weed- acelasi sange [strange *thinking*]
3.How do your friends see you?
The Exploited- Cop cars [deci ma vad ca o punkista, am inteles :))]
4.Will you get married?
KT Tunstall- False alarme [=))))), prea tare potrivirea]
5.What is your best friend’s theme song?
Third Day- Eagles [uhm nu, nu prea cred :))]
6.What is the story of your life?
Yann Tiersen- Une comptine d'une autre ete [:x, lovely? yes]
7.What was high school like?
Goran Bregovic- Kalasnikov [=)) o adevarat lupta cu arme intr-adevar]
8.How can you get ahead in life?
Breaking Benjamin- Sugarcoat [beeing a sugarcoated bitch ?! neaaah don't think so :)):P]
9.What is the best thing about your friends?
Tapinarii- In suturi [:)) daca e vorba despre prietenii mei de sex masculin, e adevarat =))]
10.What is in store for this weekend?
Kwoon- I lived on the moon [65% true]
11.What song describes you?
Cargo- Ca o stea [I'm a fuckin' STAR :))]
12.To describe your grandparents?
Bitza- Copii imbatraniti inainte de timp [ :| that's way to freaky]
13.How is your life going?
Tanya Stephens- Lying lips [hope not :|]
14.What song will they play at your funeral?
Limbaj Obscen ft Tupeu- Necomercial [=))) okey]
15.How does the world see you?
Blur- Song 2 [whoo-hoooo][e de bine ]
16.Will you have a happy life?
Petra- This means war [:))deci nu]
17.What do your friends really think of you?
Red Hot Chilli Peppers- Californication [no shit?]
18.Do people secretly lust after you ?
Garbage- Androginy [ that's a pretty good answer :))]
19.How can I make myself happy?
Marilyn Manson- Tainted love [sa moara faptaaaaa =)))]
20.What should you do with your life?Hope of the State- Black Dollar Bills [so sad]
Okey am furat asta de undeva, dar e destul de amuzanta :))) si putin adevarata.